A-AAGORA are pleased to announce the launch of a call for Associated Regions to participate in the A-AAGORA project. The A-AAGORA consortium aims at supporting 7 ’Associated Regions’, considering the maximum financial support of EUR 70,000, ranging the 4 referential basins (Atlantic+Arctic, Baltic, Mediterranean, Danube/Black Sea). A minimum of 1 representative of each basin is expected to be selected, whereas a minimum of 2 for the Atlantic-Arctic basin shall be selected.
The A-AAGORA project will engage and work with selected ‘Associated Regions’ to showcase the feasibility, replicability and scale-up of the solutions developed within the project in other areas with ecosystems that can benefit from the demonstration activities.
These ‘Associated Regions’ should endeavour a bidirectional involvement in/with the project, in which their access to innovative ideas, techniques and results shall enhance (and eventually steer) their genuine motivation to plan and implement significant activities in the near future. ‘Associated Regions’ will also become active members of A-AAGORA Community of Practice (CoP), a forum for the exchange of experiences and best practices for sake of the sustainability and extension of its objectives beyond these project’s duration.
Call opening: 24th July 2023
Call closing date: 24th September 2023
For more information, see the Guide for Applicants below.