News Project Results

‘Mission Ecosystem Database’: Knowledge Transfer in PREP4BLUE

One of PREP4BLUE’s overarching objectives, is to develop a ‘Mission Ecosystem Database’ – a best practice knowledge management system that will ensure  innovative solutions that can support the goals of the Mission and protect the health of our waters are identified, managed and effectively transferred to Mission stakeholders. Partners in Work Package (WP) 4, will support this Knowledge Transfer (KT) process using a tried and tested methodology developed by WP4 Leader ERINN Innovation (Ireland).

Using ERINN’s approach, PREP4BLUE partners will collect novel R&I solutions, including methods, tools, data, information, technologies and processes, that can be used by Mission stakeholder to help realise Mission goals. To pilot the KT-process, partners in SDU (Denmark) launched an AI powered search to identify over 416 projects with innovative solutions which could contribute to furthering Mission objectives. This search will be expanded overtime to build a universe of similarly innovative solutions at EU, country and local scale, as well as in different sectors, such as civil society, policy, industry and ‘R+D+i’. Initial knowledge collection will start in December 2022 and continue on in the project. To support with this process an interdisciplinary team of  ‘PREP4BLUE Knowledge Fellows’ from CETMAR (Spain), CNR (Italy) and ERINN has been established to meet with the coordinators of these projects to find out more about their research and the innovative solutions developed during their projects, to identify the key-learnings to be then transferred.

To prepare the fellows for the next steps, the group participated in an interactive ‘knowledge collection’  workshop, delivered by ERINN, at the end of November 2022. The hands-on workshop was a great opportunity for the Knowledge Fellows to come together and lay the foundations for the work ahead.

If you are involved in research, industry or policy, contributing to the ‘EU Mission: Restore our Ocean and Waters’ and would like to share your findings and enhance the visibility of your activities, please feel free to contact the T4.3 lead ERINN via Caecilia Manago,