We are delighted to share that in July 2023 PREP4BLUE held its first ‘Analysis Workshop’. The aim of the workshop was to work with experts to identify pathways towards impact for innovative solutions collected from EU funded research projects. These solutions were identified as having potential to contribute to the objectives of EU Mission Restore our Ocean and Waters. The systematic collection of these solutions, dubbed ‘Knowledge Outputs’, and their subsequent analysis are all part of the Knowledge Transfer methodology being applied in PREP4BLUE. The methodology was developed by Knowledge Transfer experts and PREP4BLUE project partners, ERINN Innovation. The Analysis Workshops mark a major achievement for the project and is the culmination of months of work from PREP4BLUE partners, who worked to identify innovative solutions that would contribute to the Mission objectives. This particular analysis meeting focused on Knowledge Outputs that would contribute to the area of contamination remediation. Future meetings will focus on a range of topics including restoration, the blue economy, energy and aquaculture.
The approach applied in PREP4BLUE will ensure that innovative solutions from across Europe are identified, managed and effectively taken up by stakeholders to address Mission challenges.
We were honoured and grateful to have the opportunity to present the Knowledge Outputs identified to the analysis panel. The panel comprised deep domain, highly experienced experts from within PREP4BLUE partner organisations. Experts included Marisa Fernández (CETMAR) and Simone Cappello (CNR). The meeting was facilitated by Caecilia Manago and Sarah Sarsfield (ERINN Innovation) and had active contribution by PREP4BLUE Knowledge Fellows Andreu Blanco (CETMAR) and Greta Capelli (CNR).
For the Knowledge Outputs brought forward for analysis, the insights gained during the discussion will help identify the next steps towards application and broader impact. Furthermore, all participants had the opportunity to learn from the discussions and further enhance the PREP4BLUE Knowledge Transfer tools and methods. In particular, we would like to warmly thank the experts who volunteered their time for this meeting and are looking forward to continuing the fruitful collaboration.
Read more about the PREP4BLUE Knowledge Management.
For further information, please contact the Task 4.3 leader ERINN Innovation via Caecilia Manago, caecilia@erinn.eu.
Photo: First PREP4BLUE Task 4.3 Knowledge Management Analysis Workshop