Work Package 1:
Project Coordination, Synergies, Communication
Work Package 1 will coordinate and manage the project, liaising and creating synergies with the EC, the Mission Bodies, the Mission Core Network and relevant ocean and freshwater policies instruments, initiatives, partnerships, projects.
Work Package Objectives
Coordination and management of the project to ensure partners are supported to achieve the objectives, milestones and deliverables
Facilitate communication and dissemination of PREP4BLUE activities and results, through the implementation of a Plan for Dissemination, Exploitation and Communication (PDEC).
Ensure all data generated in the project is captured and managed in line with best practice standards, through the implementation of a Data Management Plan (DMP)
Align PREP4BLUE with the evolution of the Mission, to ensure project activities are supporting the Mission now and in the future.
Lead Contact
Natalia Martin Palenzuela (IFREMER)