Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions (CPMR)

CPMR represents some 150 maritime regions in 24 European Union countries and beyond. It is both a think tank and an interest group for regional and local governments. Since its inception in 1973, the CPMR has been acting to promote a more balanced development of the European territory. Most of its work addresses EU policies with a strong territorial impact (e.g. energy transition and climate change, cohesion policy, accessibility & transport). The CPMR is structured around a core policy secretariat and six Geographical Commissions covering the main sea basins of Europe: Atlantic Arc, Balkans and Black Sea, Baltic Sea, Mediterranean, North Sea, and one for Islands. The CPMR has over forty years’ experience influencing European policy development, and in implementing European projects. The CPMR is located in Rennes, France, with offices in Brussels and Barcelona.

By being involved in most of the work packages, the CPMR will bring their access to the regions and their expertise in methodology for stakeholders’ engagement in research (including via Interreg). With a major contribution to the Work Packages 5 and 6, the CPMR will contribute to a critical assessment and key recommendations for Inter-regional financing (Task 5.4) and pilot the stakeholders’ assemblies (leader Task 6.3).