Stakeholder Events

One Ocean – Science Congress

With 2,000+ expected scientists, the One Ocean Science Congress is the scientific pillar of the Third United Nations Ocean Conference (UNOC3).

The objectives of the Congress are to provide Heads of State and Government and society at large with a comprehensive understanding of the health and future trajectory of the ocean, its conservation and sustainable use, and the benefits it provides to humanity.

Hosted by CNRS and IFREMER the event will take place from the 4-6 of June 2025. 

The Congress will feature a mix of plenary sessions, including opening and keynote speeches, alongside parallel oral and poster presentations. To enhance interactions between science and society, action and policy, and to engage civil society more broadly, ‘townhalls’ such as panels and roundtables will also be arranged.

Find out more here

Call for abstracts

Anyone who wishes to submit an abstract for the conference can find out more here